PBA Holdings Bhd (PBAHB) is a holding company that is listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia. The company was incorporated on 25 May 2000 and listed on 18 April 2002. PBAHB’s principal and wholly owned subsidiaries are Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang Sdn Bhd, PBA Resources Sdn Bhd and PBA Green Technology.
As a public listed group of companies, PBAHB operates in accordance to the principles of accountability – to our shareholders, our customers, as well as to the principles of good governance as required by the Bursa Malaysia (Malaysia’s stock exchange holding company).
As the Penang State Government holds a majority stake in PBAHB, we are also accountable to the people of Penang in providing continuous good water supply, 24 hours a day, everyday.
At the same time, we are accountable to Malaysia’s National Water Services Commission (SPAN), a regulatory entity that is empowered by federal laws to oversee water supply services in Malaysia.
Our vision is to meet all of your water supply needs. We strive to be a leading organisation in water supply in Asia. We believe in holistic, accountable and sustainable water supply services.
Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang Sdn Bhd (PBAPP) is the licensed water supply operator that serves the State of Penang. It is a 100% owned subsidiary of PBA Holdings Bhd, which is listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia.
Corporatised in 1999, PBAPP has served Penang loyally, by supplying enough water to support its socioeconomic growth. Today, PBAPP is gearing up to supply more treated water in Penang than ever before towards the achievement of the State Government’s “Penang2030” vision.
PBAPP’s key day-to-day operations encompass the abstraction of raw water, the production of treated water, distribution of treated water, billing for water supply services and the provision of customer services.
PBA Resources Sdn Bhd (PBAR), is a management company which operates the Penang Water Services Academy. The Penang Water Services Academy (PWSA) was set up in 2007 to provide Knowledge-based and Competency-based training for the water supply industry.
Drawing on the PBA Group’s experience and expertise, PWSA promotes and provides industry-relevant education and training programmes to build a knowledgeable and capable water supply workforce for today and tomorrow.
Today, PWSA has evolved to become an accredited water industry skills development centre which is recognised by the Malaysian Government. Employers have the option of using Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF) contributions to fund PWSA courses for their employees.
PWSA is also focusing more on vocational training for school-leavers in Malaysia. This is to support the development of a new generation of water supply industry workers for the future.
Meanwhile, PBAR has also set up PWSA branch campuses in Melaka, Kuala Lumpur (smart partnership with Malaysian Water Academy – MyWA) and Penang (smart partnership with the Penang Regional Development Authority – PERDA).
PBAHB incorporated a new 100% owned subsidiary called “PBA Green Technology Sdn Bhd” (PBAGT) on 12.12.2018. PBAGT was set up to take on projects in the fields of hydro and solar power. The idea is to generate electricity that may be used to offset or reduce the energy costs of PBAPP.
For the PBA Group, the main objectives for the renewable energy initiatives are to:
- Explore renewable technology projects at PBAPP’s water supply installations, in support of the Vision 2030 aspiration of making Penang a “family-focused smart and green state that inspires the nation.”
- Offset or reduce PBAPP’s energy costs by generating “green energy” that may be exported into the national grid.
- Unlock the energy generation potential of Penang’s water supply installations, without compromising core water supply operations, safety and the environment.